St Mary's Churchyard
This is a beautiful, peaceful place in our parish with history to be discovered from the gravestones, wildlife and wildflowers to be sought and enjoyed.
The area is being cared for as a 'Living Churchyard' for nature and for the community, but help is needed.
The Friends of St Mary's Churchyard group plan to:
Clear, document and research the gravestones
Identify and record flowers, plants and wildlife
Help with management of the meadow areas.
If interested, please contact Anne Herbert on 748460.
See relevant website -

This church has now been closed for services.

The Benefice of the Lower Swale
Services at St Mary's Church, all starting at 11.00am, unless stated otherwise:
Coffee and refreshments are available afterwards
2nd Holy Communion
9th Holy Communion
16th Morning Worship
6th Holy Communion
13th Morning Worship
18th Maundy Thursday Worship 7.00pm
19th Good Friday Footsteps 10.30am
27th Holy Communion
Revd Jennifer Lane
The Rectory, Ainderby Steeple,
01609 631122
Duty Priest
The Vicarage, Scruton
01609 748245
Parish Church of St Mary, Kirkby Fleetham
Service at 11am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month
United Service on 1st Sunday of each month which is held in turn at Kirkby Fleetham and Scruton
Combined Service for the entire benefice on 5th Sunday
Full details of Services are given in the monthly Newsletter.
Friends Meeting House, 6 Skinnergate, Darlington
01325 466810
Jehovahs Witnesses
Romanby Road, Northallerton
01609 783660
Churches Together Centre
179a High Street, Northallerton
01609 775396
United Reformed Church
178 High Street, Northallerton, DL7 8JZ
01609 779610
New Life Baptist Church
52-54 High Street, Northallerton, DL7 8EG
01609 775396
Northallerton Methodist Church
High Street, Northallerton, DL7 8EG
01609 771399
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
41 Thirsk Road, Northallerton, DL6 1PJ
01609 773323
Salvation Army
Darlington 01325 489242
Catterick Garrison 01748 83360