Social News
There are many local events during the course of the year. Click on a link to the right which will take you to the most up to date information about what's on.
To add a listing to these pages,
contact Margaret Wilson on
748730 or use the contact us page.
To submit an event to the Darlington & Stockton Times, use the send us your news service on their website .
To add an item to the social newsletter, please contact Lynda Dillon by the 15th of the month on
Fleetham, Fencotes & Langton Social Newsletter
Scruton and Kirkby Fleetham Church Newsletter
Darlington & Stockton Times What's On
Lunches for Villagers at The Black Horse Inn, every 3rd Wednesday
12 noon for 12.30
Tickets not required
Social Newsletter
For all up-to-date community / emergency information, please make full use of our community website: …. and, if you haven’t done so already, PLEASE enrol on InfoNetKFF – an excellent resource.
To book the Village Hall or to hire its equipment, go to the village hall link on our community website and complete the booking form. No email? Then ring Linda Lodge on 748127 or Margaret Osler on 748960, either of whom will happily help you.
The publication is written by Lynda Dillon. If you have something of local interest that you would like included, please email it to Lynda by the 15th of the month: