Local Charities
Leonard Smelt and Thomas Tennant Charity
The Leonard Smelt Charity was formed on 22 December 1712. The Thomas Tennant Charity was founded by Will proved on 19th June 1855 Both charities were originally set up to support people in need within the Parish of Kirkby Fleetham with Fencotes.
More information about the Smelt and the Tennant families can be found in the History and Resources Room in the Village Hall. There is also mention of these families in the St Mary's Church 'Monumental Inscriptions and their Stories' booklet also to be found in the History and Resources Room.
For ease of administration, the Charities were amalgamated on 6th June 1978. They were both still run as separate charities with the Commission until 2020, when they were merged under one registration 233248 in 2020.
The Charity has a modest yearly income derived from the rental of two local fields. The Charity has 5 Trustees, and they distribute this income twice a year (May and December) within the local Parish according to the wishes set out in the original Deed.
The qualifying criteria for the Leonard Smelt and Thomas Tennant Charity is:
The potential recipient must be a permanent long-term resident within the parish of Kirkby Fleetham with Fencotes. Exceptions can be made for individuals who previously have been long term residents of the parish, but circumstances have necessitated that they leave the parish for health and social care reasons - i.e., moved to a nursing home. Trustees usually view a 'long term resident' as someone who has lived in the parish for 5 years or more. However, the Trustees would be willing to review individual circumstances and may consider a shorter qualifying term at their discretion.
The potential recipient is experiencing financial hardship, has a genuine need, and would likely benefit from the relatively modest sums that the Charity distribute. The Smelt Charity Trustees do not demand that potential recipients provide evidence of their financial hardship. However, each case is discussed in confidence by the Trustees who will come to a joint decision on appropriate allocation of funds to potential recipients.
This criteria is annually notified to groups such as Citizen’s Advice Bureau in Northallerton, the Parish Parochial Council, the Parish Council, Hambleton Action Group and to residents of the parish. For further information about the Charity please contact the Clerk SmeltCharity@gmail.com