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Kirkby Fleetham



Kirkby Fleetham 

with Fencotes

Parish Council

The Parish includes the villages of Kirkby Fleetham, Great Fencote and Little Fencote.



On this site you will find information about the villages, council information, what's on , groups, societies and businesses.

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Any data passed to the Parish Council via other means is kept according to the General Data Protection Regulation.

Social Newsletter

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InfoNet KFF is fully supported by the Parish Council and is a new community information service, whereby subscribers will link in to an email messaging service to

promptly receive information about: specific issues, events or items of general interest; police generated notices relevant to the community; and also be able as an individual or member of a community group to ask for information to be circulated on your behalf. Emails will be on an as and when basis of relevant information.

InfoNet KFF will NOT  be used for commercial purposes, your contact details will be data protected and never shared in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Register by completing the box above. 

Icon of Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

Our communities rely more than ever on a close relationship between the public and the police. Neighbourhood Watch works hard to share messages to help keep us safe.

Chris Walker, our NHW Co-Ordinator has registered the Parish with the National scheme. To register to receive information about a variety of community alert  messages, click the link below and enter your postcode

Once registered, you will automatically receive community alert messages from Neighbourhood Watch. You can also revise and add to the range of messages receive, to include:

  • Fire &Rescue Services

  • Neighbourhood Watch

  • Office of the Police Crime Commissioner

  • SGN (Gas Emergency Service)

  • The Police

Neighbourhood Watch


InfoNet KFF

are supported by the

Parish Council

Defibrillator available
Eco car charging


Community Grant Applications 

Update July 2023

What to do about POTHOLES!

If you wish to report a pothole or other highway fault, we encourage you to do so by using the North Yorkshire Council online reporting system:

Potholes and road condition issues/North YorkshireCouncil

Reports made on the website are cheaper for the council to process and give you a speedier resolution where Highways are able to repair the fault, as they are immediately logged on to their system.

Reports received from third party sites can take up more staff time and do not always provide all the information they would require. As the council receive hundreds of emails, it can take time to get to your report and log it on the system.

Don't assume someone else will report your pothole - act today!

Official Opening of the Village Hall Extension

The History and Resources room is now complete, and the village is preparing for an official opening and community celebration with the main funder, Tarmac, other grant funders and the community who supported a wide range of fundraising activities.

The official opening will take place on Saturday July 27 at 3pm when the room will be opened by former Chairperson and Treasurer of the Village Hall, Jean Morley. Jean came up with the original idea and worked tirelessly to raise funds for the Village Hall extension, made jams and preserves, and provided a sewing service.


The main funding of £25,000 was provided by the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund, with the full project cost being £45,944. A plaque in recognition of the donation from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund for the new extension, is in place and Paul Younger, operations manager at Tarmac’s Killerby Quarry, will attend the event on July 27 to unveil the plaque.


Paul Younger, said: “We’re really proud to have been able to support this important project and look forward to celebrating the opening on July 27. I’m sure the local community will enjoy finding out about the village’s local history, in the new History and Resources room.”

The Landfill Communities Fund was established by the Government in 1996. It enables landfill operators to donate part of their annual tax liability to enrolled Environmental Bodies for a variety of approved community and environmental projects. Through the fund, Tarmac donates around £1 million to projects each year.


Other funding support

Local fundraising activities raised £9,044 and private donations £2,900. There was also a donation of £3,000 from the Lightsource BP Solar Farm, William Webster Charitable Trust £3,000, Jack Brunton Charitable Trust £2,000; and North Yorkshire Council’s Locality Grant £1,000.

The History and Resources room will be used to display local historic artefacts, and support research and study by local people and visitors, adding a new dimension to a popular community building where a wide range of activities take place each week.


The new extension builds on a legacy of fundraising and improvement, including the well-used kitchen and library which support the twice weekly community hub where hot drinks and food are served in a friendly, warm environment.


None of these activities could take place without the support of the hard-working volunteers who work in the kitchen and serve the community, run fundraising activities including talks, music and theatre events, bingo, race night and Armchair cinema nights.


Chair of Kirkby Fleetham Village Hall Committee, Mike Dillon, said: “The Village Hall underpins so many community activities and we are so grateful to everyone who has contributed over the years. So much work goes on behind the scenes and we know that without that hard work and enthusiasm, we would not have such a strong community, so many interesting activities and a fantastic village hall. Thanks to all.”

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